Therapy for Teens with Eating Disorders and their Parents


Watching your teen struggle with an eating disorder is heartbreaking.

Get support, guidance, and tools from experienced, skilled therapists with the expertise and care to help you and your teen navigate this challenge.

When your teen is struggling with an eating disorder, there are so many questions.

Perhaps you wish you knew:

A mother sitting on a couch while hugging her teen daughter. Representing how teens with eating disorders need family support for recovery. Start your teen's recovery in eating disorder treatment for teens in Asheville, NC.
  • How much or little you should get involved

  • How to help without making it worse

  • If you missed the signs or could have prevented it

  • When and how to set healthy boundaries and when to step back

  • Why your teen developed this eating disorder

  • What to say - and not say- so you don’t trigger your child

  • How to reconnect with your child without making them withdraw more

  • How to handle your feelings like fear, shame, or guilt

While every family’s experience is different, the bottom line is:

You’d do anything to help your child…. if only you knew the right thing to do.

Professional Guidance. Compassionate Support.

At Reclaiming Beauty you'll find a team of compassionate, specially-trained therapists dedicated to helping teens and their families. Deeply committed to supporting you and your teen through this difficult journey, our teen eating disorder therapists bring evidence-based expertise, rich personal and professional experience, and an unwavering belief in your family’s ability to survive and heal.

A sign that reads "difficult roads lead to beautiful destinations." This represents how teen eating disorder therapy in Asheville, NC can help your teens recovery. Get started with an eating disorder therapist today!

What you can expect from our compassion-filled, skilled therapists

  • Supportive, non-judgmental space

    The eating disorder isn't your fault, and there are no judgments or expectations. We offer a safe and welcoming space where you can be seen, heard, and held. When your teen is receiving support you will feel relief. When you’ve got your own support system, you can develop the inner resources to support your teen.

  • Personalized, evidence-based treatment

    We’re not prescriptive or single-minded. After listening to you and your teen’s unique needs, we incorporate various evidence-based approaches, including Family Based Treatment, IFS, ACT, CBT, DBT, trauma work, somatic practices, art therapy, and mindfulness techniques.

  • Practical tools for real life situations

    Empowered parents play a crucial role in their teen's recovery. We offer practical resources and skills to help parents improve communication, set boundaries, and develop healthy coping skills. Parents walk out with empowering insights and practical suggestions to use at home.

  • Collaborative approach

    If your teen is already under the care of doctors or dietitians, we'll work together with them. This ensures we’re all on the same page; monitoring progress, sharing valuable insights, and ultimately providing your child with the most effective, integrated treatment.

A pink peacock feather. Learn how teen eating disorder therapy in Asheville, NC can help you heal your teens body. Get support from an eating disorder therapist today!

You’d never have chosen this for your child.

But with the right professionals in your corner, hope and healing is possible.

We’re here for you. Send us a message.

We'll schedule a 20-minute free call, and see if working together is right for you.

 Ready to get started with Therapy for your Teen with an Eating Disorder in Asheville, NC?

Through our teen eating disorder therapy, we'll work together to address past traumas, reconnect with the body, and cultivate resilience from within. Take the first step towards your teen living a more free and lavish life without self-criticism and schedule a session with us today. Reclaiming Beauty is here to support you every step of the way.

  1. Contact us so we can get to know you better.

  2. Learn more about our approach!

  3. Explore healing through our eating disorder therapy for teens.

Other Services We Offer in Asheville, NC

Discover a holistic approach to well-being at Reclaiming Beauty. Our personalized embodiment coaching unlocks the wisdom within, fostering self-compassion and resilience. Or, explore the transformative benefits of the Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP). This is a non-invasive auditory intervention that enhances social engagement and reduces stress. We also offer eating disorder therapy.