Original Beauty Equals Original Power

Reclaiming your body as a resource is transformative. 

When we are at war with our body and ourselves, we are unable to connect to the strengths and gifts we possess that could positively impact the world. 

Consider this passage from cultural anthropologist Angeles Arrien, from her book “The Four Fold Way: Walking the Paths of the Warrior, Teacher, Healer and Visionary.” 

“Many indigenous societies believe that we all possess “original medicine”: personal power, duplicated nowhere else on the planet. No two individuals carry the same combination of talents or challenges: therefore, when we compare ourselves to others, native people see this as a sign that we do not believe that we have original medicine. This belief affects not only ourselves, but extends into the world. Not to be “in our medicine” or bring power into the world precludes healing from coming to Mother Nature and all her creatures.” 

In the Reclaiming Beauty work, we call this original medicine our Original Beauty. When we free ourselves from the inner oppressor, we are able to access our Original Beauty. As Arrien names, our original beauty is our place of power. When we reclaim our body as a resource, we reclaim our ability to access our power and bring it forward into the world.


If you were able to reclaim your body as a resource, what would you do with the energy you freed up? Where would you direct your power for healing?


What adjectives did people use to describe you as a child? What was your childhood dream of what you wanted to be when you grew up? Is there a childhood memory of yourself that connects to your Original Beauty? What did it feel like in your body to be connected to your Original Beauty as a child? These inquiries could offer clues to your Original Beauty. 

Call to Action

Name one gift of your Original Beauty. What is one action you can take today to offer your Original Beauty to the healing of the world? Take that action. 

The transformation that occurs as you reclaim your body as a resource ripples outwards.

Heal yourself, heal the world.

Are you ready to reclaim your body as a resource?

Contact us to make an appointment today.


iaedp Atlanta Continuing Education Series 2020


Uprooting the Inner Critic