Surprise! I was startled to realize this trigger could still pierce me straight to the heart.

Recently, I was made aware of how quickly my core wounding could be activated. In a lively conversation with friends about the challenges of our first marriages, the father of one of my friends chimed in stating both parties bring issues to the table for a marriage to dissolve. I agree with the importance of taking personal responsibility for my part in conflict, and since this man was a longtime friend of both myself and my ex-husband, I eagerly asked him about his perspective on my part.

However, his answer completely shocked me.

He said, “When you got married you were thin with big boobs, then you had a child, and your body changed.”

My jaw dropped. My eyes welled up with tears. I was speechless and excused myself from the group. Possibly because it was such a shocking, reductive answer, partly because a old, vulnerable part of myself feared this was true, my immediate response was a piercing trigger of grief and sorrow related to my core wound around my own body image experiences.

By the next morning, though, after talking with my sisters, girlfriends and a couple of trusted men in my life, I was back in touch with appropriate anger around this comment, and the truth that my relationship failure was about SO MUCH MORE than my changing body. Again, I felt the gratitude of my support tribe and the healing power of authentic mirroring.

What are your lingering wounds, fears, limiting beliefs, shame that feel ever present below the surface to be triggered? Are you feeling paralyzed by self-critical thoughts and shame related to your body and who you are in the world? Would you like to experience more freedom, ease and lightness in your day to day embodied experience?

I would like to invite you to join a circle of women to learn experiential tools to embrace the beauty of your body and Soul. Transform a critical, shame filled relational pattern to self-compassion and ease. For this playshop, I will join forces with Christine Garvin, Whole Health and Body Love Coach, for an exploration into your lingering body vulnerabilities with the Reclaiming Beauty Wisdom Deck, Movement, the Emotional Freedom Technique and other expressive arts experiences.


What: Reclaim Yourself: A Reclaiming Beauty Movement and Playshop

Who: Heidi Andersen and Christine Garvin

When: Friday October 4th, 2019

Where: Epiphany IOP, 52 N. Oak Street, Hendersonville, NC 28739

Investment: $99

To walk in beauty is to be in a harmonious relationship with your Body, your Soul, your Community and the Earth. With the healing power of a supportive circle of women, you will gain practical tools for when your core wounds are activated and support coming into harmony with yourself. 

I hope you will join us in October for this journey to Reclaim Yourself!

Walk in beauty,



My Call to Work with People with Eating Disorders


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